About Me.

Coffee. Black. Thanks.

Terri Morgan
Design, Develop, Improve


Terri is versatile, adaptable, and curious about everything. She has management, general and technical (IT) experience, manufacturing experience, and is Six Sigma certified. She has an extensive collection of published work, much of it related to her work with technology and multiple-language software development. She has been recognized for her professional contributions. Terri has been an invited speaker, presenter, and performer at national and international events.

Terri holds a Bachelor’s degree in English with minors in Psychology, Theatre / Dance, and Languages from the University of Missouri at Kansas City (1982). In 1983, she entered Florida Atlantic University to work on a Master’s degree in Linguistics. In addition to English and near-native Mandarin, she has studied Spanish and can read a little French, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, German, and Classical Greek.

Terri has been a senior member, chapter past-President, and ITPC (International Technical Publications Competition) Judge for the Society for Technical Communication. She has also been a member of the National Association for Female Executives and the Independent Computer Consultants Association. She has served as an adviser for Junior Achievement’s Globe program, a judge for SIFE’s National Competition (Students In Free Enterprise), and an adviser for NSTEP (National Science and Technology Education Partnership). She is an active member of Mensa. She is regularly invited to review technical presentations for several international groups. In 1995, Terri was included in Two Thousand Notable American Women and the World Who’s Who of Women.